Friday, April 27, 2012

Finally getting there!

I am in my final week of Student Teaching and will walk at graduation next week! I'm so excited. This has been 7 years in the making and I have had 2 more kids (3 total) while in school. I am so happy to be at the end of this journey and at the start of a new one.

I know that I would not have made it this far if I wasn't able to find ways to be frugal. I am grateful to all the blogs that I've followed during this time because I have learned so much. I'm excited to make this blog a bit more active now that I may have more than 10 minutes to sit at the computer daily.

I have learned many frugal ways to have fun while teaching and I'm excited to share these with you! Plus I hope to offer more reviews, freebies, and giveaways!

Thank you for joining me on this journey and I'm excited to move on with you all as well!

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