Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wisdom Wednesday: Make a Journal

Our Spring Break was spent close to home this year, but that doesn't mean that we didn't do fun things or that learning was over. We had a lot of hands-on learning activities like going to a science museum and shooting off a rocket.

To add on to this I had my kids make a Spring Break Journal. It was super simple, as you can see. If you wanted to make a special notebook, that would work too, but for me it was more about the process than the project.

My son and I worked on 2 sentences to describe his favorite part of each day. My daughter used a brainstorming web and picked a favorite part, and backed that up with 2-3 details. She also had to do an introduction and conclusion sentence.

The kids took them to school on Monday to share, and my son discovered that writing about his vacation was an assignment for the day- and he was already done ;)

I plan to make a summer journal for the kids out of composition notebooks, we will decorate the front cover and write in it throughout the summer to capture some of our favorite memories and to keep writing practice fresh for the next school year.

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