Thursday, January 31, 2013

Thankful Thursday #5

I am thankful for my siblings. I almost thought about adding this in with my Thankful Thursday last week, but I wanted a separate post for them :)

I am lucky enough to have a large assortment of siblings. I have my younger sister, who is my partner in crime. If we go more than a couple days without a text it is strange. FaceTime is the best thing ever too because I feel like I'm having a conversation with her rather than just a phone call.

I also have two amazing brothers. They are the reason I think that sarcasm may be genetic ;) and I love the time I get to spend with them. My kids ask all the time if we're going to Texas (where one brother lives) because they know that when we do, we get to see lots of family (and they get to play with their cousins!).

I also get to have a wonderful older sister too (I think I won the sibling lottery). It's nice to be able to connect with her and my kids love their cousins from CA too ;)

As if that's not enough, I was blessed enough to have great siblings-in-law as well. :D I'm thankful for each of them as well.

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